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Asbestos Removal Service

Five Stars Environmental inc. is a leading provider of asbestos removal and abatement services. We have over 22 years of experience in the industry, and our team of certified professionals has the knowledge and expertise to safely and effectively remove asbestos from any residential, commercial or industrial setting. We understand that every asbestos situation is unique, and we will work with you to develop a tailor-made solution that meets your specific needs. Whether you need comprehensive asbestos removal or simply need to encapsulate or seal existing asbestos materials, we have the experience and resources to get the job done right. Contact us today to learn more about our asbestos removal and abatement services. Five Stars Environmental inc. is your single source for all your asbestos needs. 

Five Stars Environmental

Asbestos Services

Professional assessment to identify the presence of asbestos in buildings or materials.

Safe and controlled elimination of asbestos-containing materials.

Thorough examination to assess the condition of asbestos-containing materials and potential risks.

 Implementation of measures to reduce or eliminate asbestos hazards.

Proper handling and disposal of asbestos waste in accordance with regulations.

asbestos chrysotile fibers

Five Stars Environmental

Reliable Asbestos Tile Removal Services

Ensure a healthier home with Five Stars Environmental's expert asbestos tile removal services. Our certified professionals use state-of-the-art techniques to safely and efficiently remove asbestos tiles, protecting your family from harmful exposure. Trust us for a thorough, compliant, and high-quality service that prioritizes your safety and peace of mind. Contact us today for a free consultation and experience why we are rated five stars by our satisfied clients.


  • Health and Safety: Protect your family from the dangers of asbestos exposure.
  • Certified Experts: Work with certified and experienced professionals.
  • State-of-the-Art Techniques: Utilize the latest methods and equipment for safe removal.
  • Compliance: Adhere to all local, state, and federal regulations.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Join our list of happy and safe customers.
  • Free Consultation: Get a no-obligation consultation and quote.

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Five Stars Environmental

Asbestos Containing Materials

Safely remove asbestos-containing roofing, pipes, and tiles, ensuring thorough abatement to protect occupants and the environment from harmful fibers during renovations or demolitions.

Expert removal of asbestos insulation, promoting healthier indoor air quality and reducing the risk of respiratory issues, complying with strict safety standards.

We safely take out vinyl floors with asbestos to make your space safe during renovations. We follow rules to get rid of health risks, ensuring a secure environment.

Precise removal of textured coatings with asbestos, ensuring a safe living or working space by eliminating potential airborne fibers and adhering to rigorous safety protocols.

Professional removal of asbestos-containing sprayed coatings on structural elements, mitigating the risk of exposure during construction projects and ensuring environmental responsibility through safe disposal practices.

Asbestos Removal
asbestos vermiculite
asbestos tile

Residential Asbestos

Residential asbestos remediation presents unique challenges that require specialized knowledge and attention to detail. Five Stars Environmental stands out as a leader in the Chicago area, specializing in residential projects that demand precision and care. Our team is equipped with advanced tools and techniques to ensure a thorough and safe cleanup process, while minimizing disruptions to your home. We understand the importance of protecting your family and property, and we take extra precautions to safeguard your home’s integrity during the remediation. Trust Five Stars Environmental for expert guidance and personalized solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Common Asbestos Materials in Homes

Asbestos, a hazardous material with known health risks, has been used in a variety of household products over the years. Common asbestos-containing materials found in homes include floor tiles, insulation, textured finishes, and roofing materials. Identifying and removing these materials is crucial to safeguarding the health and safety of residents. Five Stars Environmental specializes in handling these materials with care and expertise, employing industry-best practices to ensure a thorough and effective cleanup process that protects your home and family from asbestos exposure. 

The Process of Asbestos Cleanup

We follow a meticulous process for asbestos cleanup to guarantee effective remediation and peace of mind for our clients. Upon securing necessary permits, our team arrives at your property and implements strict containment measures to isolate the work area. Our trained professionals, outfitted with protective gear, conduct the removal of asbestos materials with precision and care. Using specialized cleaning techniques, we ensure a thorough cleanup of the affected areas, followed by rigorous testing and inspection to verify the success of the remediation. We provide detailed reports and documentation for your records, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the cleanup process.

Contact Five Stars Environmental

For comprehensive asbestos cleanup services in Chicago that prioritize safety, quality, and customer satisfaction, contact Five Stars Environmental today. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to delivering exceptional results and peace of mind for homeowners facing asbestos concerns. With a focus on transparency, professionalism, and personalized service, we tailor our solutions to meet your specific needs and exceed your expectations. Trust Five Stars Environmental for reliable, efficient, and thorough asbestos cleanup services that prioritize your well-being and the integrity of your home. 

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